
Where Psychology Meets Spirituality

With decades of experience in both psychology and spirituality Patricia meets you exactly as you are, moves you through your deepest struggles, and walks you towards healing.
Work With Me
How Patricia Helps You

From Surviving to Thriving

Patricia’s philosophy stems from her authentic desire to go into the trenches with you. Moving you out of survival mode and into thriving liberation.

you may be experiencing…

Unhealed Trauma Responses
Major Life Transitions
Depression and/or Anxiety
Desire to Connect More Deeply
Fogginess/Lack of Clarity
Longing for Purpose
Feeling Stuck in Life
Floundering in Limiting Beliefs
Struggling in Relationships

Achieved results...

Clarity on Your Life Path
Grasp of Childhood Trauma
Tools to Navigate Healing
Deeper Confidence/Self-Trust
Release of Toxic Behaviors
Greater Self-Empowerment
Confidence in Your Authenticity
Take Decisive Action
Peaceful Appreciation and Gratitude
Reunited with Purpose

Endless Possibilities

Patricia’s unique method integrates a custom experience for your specific needs. Take a peek at what you may experience with her.

Commitment to Healing

As your steadfast companion, Patricia provides unwavering support, while also showing you that ultimate responsibility for your growth lies within you. You will be guided into the deepest commitment of all: that of your own inner healing.

Integration & Self Compassion

You will learn the tools needed to integrate Patricia’s profound teachings and step into deep self-compassion for both the past and present. With this compassion you will also learn the transformational power of self forgiveness.

Optional: Assisted Psychedelic Therapeutics

You are invited to step into the deep-end of your inner self by experiencing psychedelic therapeutics with Patricia as your guide. As a Master Facilitator Patricia encourages you to trust the journey and unpack your unconscious, traumas, and limiting beliefs with her beside you.

Profound Discovery

Through continual teachings, experiences, and integrations with Patricia you will  unlock your full potential. As your guide through this process Patricia works side by side with you to discover: joy, purpose, self realization, and empowered freedom.

Connect with Me

Sometimes transformation begins with a single click.
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